Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Quick Background

   Although most of you know me and that I am in Oman for the semester, I thought I would just include a few details about myself and why I am here. My name is Eric Schmitz and I am currently studying International Affairs and Arabic at the University of Colorado, Boulder. I am a senior now and will be graduating after this year. I chose to study abroad in Oman mainly because I did not know much about the country and thought it would be an interesting place to spend a few months. I also want to become more proficient in Arabic and I am interested in studying economics in Middle Eastern countries, particularly those that surround the Arabian Peninsula. I will be in Oman from August 27th, 2010 to December 10th, 2010 and this is a documentation of my experiences.


  1. That was a great update. You sound wonderful and I am happy you have discovered a 'nightlife". Are the pictures from your camera or are they downloaded?
